Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Obama Isn't Leaving The Cabinet Bare

After Senator Obama choose Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff there seems to be a growing interest on who he picks next, especially in regards to Secretary of State? This is where Obama's former nominee opponent Hillary Clinton is said to be in the front running. Will it be the Secretary of Defense? Another position where there seems to be a concise favorite in Robert Gates. Since so many are throwing their two cents in on who would be good for these jobs I figure I might as well put mine in too. On the notion of Secretary of State I think Hillary Clinton would be a great choice. During and after the Clinton Presidency Hilary has been representing the nation aboard on diplomatic and humanitarian missions. This appointment would only solidify her position as a loud representative voice of the United States when abroad. She is already well known and respected by many of the world's nations and media, and she is clearly the easiest and best choice to make for the position. Regarding the Secretary of Defense I think Gates would be a poor choice. Many argue that he brings as sense of continuity to the new administration but I argue otherwise. I believe he represents the failures of the Bush administration regarding both Iraq and Afghanistan. I know he has not held the position that long, which is another reason why I believe continuity is not a legitimate argument for his reinstatement under the Obama administration, but given the time he has had not much has changed. My personal choice would retired General Wesley Clark. Many would remember him as a democratic presidential nominee from the 2004 primaries. For those not familiar with Clark he is a Westpoint graduate, has served in both the Vietnam and Kosovo Wars, and was the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. Clark would bring experience, a new sense of accountability, and quite possible a new strategy to the wars in which we are currently engaged.

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