Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Last Desperate Attempt By The Right

The United States Supreme Court is going to hold a conference to look into President-Elect Obama's citizenship status. I don't understand this at all, the man was born in Hawaii, end of story. The Washington Times a few days ago released and article saying that Obama's grandmother stated before she died that she was in a delivery room in Kenya when Obama was born. That is a cheap shot, using a dead woman to put words in her month, words that can not be rebutted or defined, since she is no longer with us. That is definitely a cheap shot, and even if she did say it the point in now moot. Another argument that is being tossed around is the notion that Obama might be an Indonesian citizen. Since only Indonesian citizens are allowed to attend Indonesian schools, and the U.S. did not have a dual citizenship program with Indonesia at the time. Once again, this is besides the point, Obama was born in the U.S., he was born a citizen and that cannot just be taken away.

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