Opponents to Proposition 8, non-bigotous people, have filed several lawsuits against Proposition 8, as they should. They are filing their claim under 3 main arguments:
1. Prop 8 is invalid because it constitutes a revision of, rather than an amendment to, the California Constitution.
2. Prop 8 violates the separation of powers doctrine under the California Constitution.
3. If Prop 8 is NOT unconstitutional, the marriages performed BEFORE Prop 8 passed should still be valid.
All 3 sound like valid and strong arguments, the California Supreme Court has decided to hear this case. Seeing as it was this court that allowed for gay marriage, it is almost fairly certain that the court would rule in favor of the opposition.
Also everyone is talking about an impending recession. Allowing gay marriage would inject $370-million into California’s economy.
OMG WTF! Someone actually read this thing!
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