Thursday, November 20, 2008

Napolitano Favored For Secretary of Homeland Security

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano is believed to be in the front running for President-Elect Obama's choice for the position of Secretary of Homeland Security. Obama has noted that the final desicion isn't made yet, but according to his advisers Napolitano is definitely the clear front runner.

Let me give you a little background on Napolitano, I had to google her to find out about what shes done. Napolitano was elected to to the Arizona governorship in 2002 and has held the post since. In 2005 Time magazine named her on of the 5 best governors in the United States. In February of 2006 the Whitehouse Project named her as one of the top 8 in 08, a list of female candidates that could run for president. From this we can conclude she is held in pretty high esteem, sounds like a good choice to me.

Federal Court v. Guantanamo

The U.S. Federal Court has struck a hard blow to the sovereignty of the U.S. military bases of Guantanamo Bay. Today a federal judge has order the release of 5 Guantanamo prisoners, citing that the government failed to show that these 5 were "enemy combatants." This court order was based on an appeal made by 6 prisoners. This is a big win that comes due to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in June that detainees could challenge their detention.

All 5 men are of Algerian decent but were living in Bosnia when they were detained. They were suspected of a plot to blow up the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo. However, later the government dropped this argument and stated that they had intentions to go to Afghanistan and right against the coalition. All 5 men were pointed out by a single source, the federal judge say this as insufficient amount of evidence to detain these 5 men.

The ruling judge also stated that the government had the right to appeal the ruling, and that anyone in any situation show be allowed to as well.

The Last Desperate Attempt By The Right

The United States Supreme Court is going to hold a conference to look into President-Elect Obama's citizenship status. I don't understand this at all, the man was born in Hawaii, end of story. The Washington Times a few days ago released and article saying that Obama's grandmother stated before she died that she was in a delivery room in Kenya when Obama was born. That is a cheap shot, using a dead woman to put words in her month, words that can not be rebutted or defined, since she is no longer with us. That is definitely a cheap shot, and even if she did say it the point in now moot. Another argument that is being tossed around is the notion that Obama might be an Indonesian citizen. Since only Indonesian citizens are allowed to attend Indonesian schools, and the U.S. did not have a dual citizenship program with Indonesia at the time. Once again, this is besides the point, Obama was born in the U.S., he was born a citizen and that cannot just be taken away.

Texas: "Science Might Be Real?"

The Texas Board of Education yesterday heard testimony from 90 different people on their thoughts of teaching evolutionary science in public schools. Many of the people that testified were college professor and science teachers. Wow, does that mean Texas might actually have some sense? This undermines almost all of what I precised of the south. Maybe shows like True Blood had it wrong, maybe Texas isn't full of hick who love their guns and bibles and hate anything that appears different or outside of their simple understanding. So on the presumption that the Texas school board actually realizes science belongs in the class room, I would like to welcome them to the 21st Century.

Minnesota Still Counting

In a previous post I stated that the general election had final come to an end, I guess I was wrong, Minnesota is in a middle of a recount for its U.S. Senate representative. So far about 20% of the vote has been recounted. The republican candidate, Coleman still leads the democratic, Al Franken by 174 votes. This election seems to be extremely close, and will definitely be interesting to see how it turns out. The way things are going though, I doubt this recount will be concluded by Thanksgiving, but then again I also thought this election was already over.

California Undecided About Gay Marriage

Opponents to Proposition 8, non-bigotous people, have filed several lawsuits against Proposition 8, as they should. They are filing their claim under 3 main arguments:

1. Prop 8 is invalid because it constitutes a revision of, rather than an amendment to, the California Constitution.
2. Prop 8 violates the separation of powers doctrine under the California Constitution.
3. If Prop 8 is NOT unconstitutional, the marriages performed BEFORE Prop 8 passed should still be valid.

All 3 sound like valid and strong arguments, the California Supreme Court has decided to hear this case. Seeing as it was this court that allowed for gay marriage, it is almost fairly certain that the court would rule in favor of the opposition.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The People Like Capital Punishment?

I found the following figures to be quite alarming. With more and more studies showing a high percentage of people on death row are wrongly convicted, I would think the blood lust for capital punishment wouldn't be so high. I'm not sure if I'm against the death penalty, but what I do know is it cost the government more to kill a man than it does to keep him in prison for life. I also know that lethal injections are not preformed by doctors on ethical grounds, raising the risk of complications during the execution. With the current practice of state execution I would think many people would want to take a hard look at the situation. I must have assumed wrong.

The World Wants Obama

In a recent poll of 22 foreign countries including; Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Turkey, the U.A.E., Britain, All, I repeat all of them said they would prefer Senator Obama over Senator McCain as the President of the United States. That is unheard of, think about, these countries make up most the political and economic power in the world. If they all got together and decided on world peace we could probably have it. I can not think of one other thing that all these countries had agreed on, besides deciding to join the United Nations. This type of unanimous agreement should not be overlooked. Remember only 53 percent of the population voted for Obama, that means almost half of us didn't. Do these nations know, or see something that almost half of America did not? What could President-Elect Obama do with his foreign policy with this kind of support? Only time will tell, but it will definitely be interesting to see unfold.

People Hate The People's Representaitves

I knew many people were not happy with the way Congress was conducting itself but what I came across was atrocious. While skimming some Gallup polls I came across Congress' approval rating, and I was shocked, and even that is a bit of an understatement. According to Gallup the Congressional approval rating is 19%, 19! That is lower that President Bush approval rating. I can't really say I feel sorry for Congress, I actually feel sorry for the new members coming in in January who are going to be scrutinized by these numbers before they even get a chance to do anything.

California Wildfires

Pirates vs Indians!

Today an Indian naval vessel INS Tabar destroyed a suspected pirate vessel in the Gulf of Aden off the eastern coast of Africa. Man, pirates just can't catch any breaks first Kenya tries to hire mercenaries to get them now the Indians want a piece. At this point I kind of feel sorry for them, and I'm Indian, we usually don't start attacking people to often. Unless however they're Pakistani but 50 years ago they were Indian so that doesn't really count (internal in-fighting is our specialty). So it looks like pirates have more enemies than just ninjas, and mercenaries, now they have to deal with Indians too.

Sarah Palin Your Not A Hockey Mom!

I now the election is over, and hopefully we'll never see Sarah Palin again but there are still somethings that need to be resolved. Sarah Palin you are not a hockey mom. First let me say, I'm a hockey player, and a Canadian by birth, so there are my credentials to weigh in on this topic. You know how I know Sarah Palin isn't a hockey mom? Its because she doesn't even know what a hockey mom is. A hockey mom/dad is not the same as a soccer mom/dad there is a big difference in correlation. You see a soccer parent is one who loads up the minivan and takes their kids to practices or a game, but not before stopping at Starbucks and ordering a tall decaf double-shot extra foam latte. In the U.S. a hockey mom/dad is one who sits in the stands get wasted on beer and picks a fight with either the zebra (the ref) or another parent. Trust me I've seen my fair share of these a-holes. That in the traditional sense and is the most common definition of the U.S. hockey parent. This also hold true for Canada as well, but in Canada their is another type. The wake up at 5am drag the kids out of bed take them down to the rink for practice while you look for anything that could be passed off as coffee, followed by a nap in the stands, then repeated daily. To more simple put it, hockey parent has two types of meanings, one trouble maker or devoted hockey parent. I seriously doubt Sarah Palin could possible refer herself to the latter type. The dedication needed would with put a doubt interfere with his responsibilities as Governor. and I'm not alone in this assessment, the majority of the hockey community does not have a favorable view of Sarah Palin. How do I know? During her V.P. run she dropped two game pucks for the NHL one in Philadelphia, PA, and another in St. Louis, MI. At both venues the overwhelming majority of fans either booed, turned their back, or threw beers on the ice. Why did they do this? Because see is not one of us, and she needs to stop acting like she is. Its offensive to all us hockey players and our real hockey parents.

Not one of us at all.

Great Quotes From A Simple Man: The Sequel

“Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren’t able to practice their love with women all across this country.”

“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

“There’s no doubt in my mind that we should allow the world worst leaders to hold America hostage, to threaten our peace, to threaten our friends and allies with the world’s worst weapons.”

“There’s an old saying in Tennessee…I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee that says Fool me once… Shame on… Shame on you….Fool me… Can’t get fooled again.”

“See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don’t attack each other. Free nations don’t develop weapons of mass destruction.”

“The ambassador and the general were briefing me on the — the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And we will find these people and we will bring them to justice.”

“Wow! Brazil is big.” after being shown a map of Brazil by the Brazilian president

"I promise you I will listen to what has been said here, even though I wasn't here."

"You work three jobs? ... Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that."

"I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the Secretary of Defense."


Obama on the Enviroment

As I mentioned in my previous post Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger held a Global Climate Summit today. This video is a message President-Elect Obama sent to the meeting. It outlines his agenda when dealing with the global climate epidemic and what he hopes to peruse and accomplish when he takes office. It is also important to note that the President-Elect recognizes this is a global problem and one that must be solved multilaterally.

Arnold To The Earth: "Come With Me If You Want To Live"

Arnold Schwarzenegger has just broken his type cast. Usually when people look at our governor they see; the Last Action Hero, a Commando, or even a Kindergarten Cop, but now he has rewritten himself. Rewritten himself as the current political authority on the environment in the United States. How has he down this? By passing laws making California one of the most, if not the most toughest state on pollution in the union, and by holding an environmental meeting in Beverly Hills of global proportions. Today and yesterday mark the two day meeting Arnold has setup in Southern California for over 800 representatives from around the nation and world to come together and discuss solutions for our global epidemic. These 800 include representatives from; almost two-thirds of the states in our union, 4 provincial heads of Canada, as well as representatives from Europe, India and China. These last couple days have been so successful that the governor was able to sign climate treaties among other states and Canadian provinces. The initiative taken on the state level, that has been ignored by the federal level should be noted. If our national government doesn't want to deal with the current global problem it's good to know that our great state will.

Yeah, I know Al Gore is supposed to be Captain Planet, but come on Arnold looks so much more like him.

Congress Doesn't Want to Bailout the Big 3

Based on the Congressional Hearing held with the Big 3 U.S. automakers, and then reading Mitt Romney's press release I would have never come to this conclusion. The conclusion being, prepare for the shock, the United State's Congress does not want to bail out the Big 3. I know right, this just came out of nowhere. Although Congress, or more specifically the Senate is not suppose to vote on the bailout proposal until Tuesday. Many people believe the reason for the delay, why they're not voting on it today is because, they don't have the votes to pass. The proponents for the bailout don't even have enough votes to hold a test vote, or a vote to see how thing might be leaning. In other words they are so behind that if they tired to see how behind they were the embarrassment of the test vote could kill the proposal all together. Talk about a fragile ego.

Unoffically I'm ready to Call It, Hilary Got The Job

Over the last few days it has becoming more and more apparent that Senator Hilary Clinton would be selected for the position of Secretary of State. Although it has not yet been made official I'm pretty sure it's a done deal. So for the sake of argument sake lets just say she did become nominated for the position. What would most people think of it?

I pulled this poll off Gallup, and obviously according to their findings most people, by almost 30 points, would be in favor of a Clinton Secretary of State. So add the public opinion to the already endless media speculation and you can see why that I'm pretty confident she will be nominated and appointed.

So They Can Count In Missouri, Just Very Slowly

First the Alaskan Senate result now this, it's official folks, after two weeks the general election in the U.S. has finally ended. That means Obama ends with 365 electoral votes to McCain's 173. Missouri almost got McCain right back into it. I would also like to thank Missouri for waiting until now to finally tally and release their results. Its understandable, who wouldn't want to add more close knit drama to this election. In unrelated news a new study confirms what has always been speculated, election officials can't count, at least not at the required federal 5th grade level, also there seems to be a new invention taking the youth by storm, its known by its street name as a "series of tubes," I'll update when more information becomes available.

Today In Poticial Cartoons

Stevens Consedes Alaskian Race

Senator or should I say ex-senator Ted Stevens has conceded his reelection race for the United States Senate, just a mere two weeks after the polls closed. I know this was a close election but this is Alaska were talking about, a state that doesn't even have 700,000 people. It shouldn't take two weeks to count the vote, even if every single person voted. Let alone the man was facing felony charges and probably shouldn't have been running in the first place. Even if he did win, many are saying he faces jail time, that would automatically remove him from the United States Senate. This election should not have been close in the first place.

Zawahiri Throws Jabs at Obama

Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al-Qaeda's second in command has recently released tapes criticizing President-Elect Obama. Zawahiri criticizes Obama for turning his back on his Kenyan-born father's Muslim roots, saying Obama has sided with the enemy and Israel. Zawashiri even goes further calling Obama, Colin Powell, and Condoleezza Rice nothing more than "house slaves." Zawahiri also addressed President-Elect Obama's plan regard the current wars, citing Iraq as a failure on the part of the United States and the increase of troop levels in Afghanistan as something that the new president would greatly regret calling the consequences "disastrous."

It seems like someone wants to be in the spotlight again, eh?

Mitt Romney on the Auto-Bailout

"Without that bailout, Detroit will need to drastically restructure itself. With it, the automakers will stay the course — the suicidal course of declining market shares, insurmountable labor and retiree burdens, technology atrophy, product inferiority and never-ending job losses. Detroit needs a turnaround, not a check."
"The new management must work with labor leaders to see that the enmity between labor and management comes to an end. This division is a holdover from the early years of the last century, when unions brought workers job security and better wages and benefits. But as Walter Reuther, the former head of the United Automobile Workers, said to my father, 'Getting more and more pay for less and less work is a dead-end street.'"

"Investments must be made for the future. No more focus on quarterly earnings or the kind of short-term stock appreciation that means quick riches for executives with options. Manage with an eye on cash flow, balance sheets and long-term appreciation. Invest in truly competitive products and innovative technologies — especially fuel-saving designs — that may not arrive for years. Starving research and development is like eating the seed corn."

"It is not wrong to ask for government help, but the automakers should come up with a win-win proposition. I believe the federal government should invest substantially more in basic research — on new energy sources, fuel-economy technology, materials science and the like — that will ultimately benefit the automotive industry, along with many others. I believe Washington should raise energy research spending to $20 billion a year, from the $4 billion that is spent today. The research could be done at universities, at research labs and even through public-private collaboration. The federal government should also rectify the imbedded tax penalties that favor foreign carmakers."

Mitt Romney has come out as a loud voice against the automotive bailout. Romney has laid out many clear points to what needs to be done in Detroit. I can't believe I'm saying this but for the most part I agree with him. The rest of his press release can be found here.

What Happened To The Economy?

It has been about two months since the economy has fallen to peices, but many people still don't understand what happened, and how it happened. I could try to explain it but to be honest I barely get it as it is, so I'll let this guy do it. He wears glass and talks in run-ons so he must be smart.

1st Female 4 Star General

General Ann Dunwoody was dubbed the title of 4 Star General a few days ago. In June she was nominated by President Bush to become the first female head of the U.S. Material Command. What that position means let alone entails I'm not quite sure but either way shes a 4 star general. She was confirmed in July, but didn't get the official nod until a few days ago. I would like to congratulate her not just on her promotion but also on the what she now symbolizes. For too long the military has been an all boys club. Over these last few weeks we have seen many barriers fallen and lets hope this isn't the last one to follow.

Daschle Nominated For Health and Human Services Secretary

Tom Daschle has been nominated by President-Elect Obama to take to position of Health and Human Services Secretary. Daschle is currently serving in the United States Senate as the Senate Majority Leader from South Dakota. In 1978 Daschle was elected to the House of Representatives and in 1986 became a US Senator, he has held the position ever since. He is considered a popular figure in the Senate as well as his home state. If Daschle is confirmed, he would serve as an intricate player in President-Elect Obama's healthcare reform.

What Takes Out A Pirate? No, It's Not A Ninja

With African piracy gaining more and more attention by many news sources as well as costing shipping companies and navies great amounts of headaches and money, Kenya may have come up with a solution to deal with the pirates. No, it's not an army of ninjas, but something just as good if not better, an army of mercenaries. Kenya is currently in negotiations with Blackwater, yep, the same group of men that in Iraq stirred up a such a controversy. These guys play without rules, and now their job many be to help patrol Kenyan ships and coastlines against the like of Captain Jack and his band of marry men. I'm not a big fan of Blackwater, but this actually make sense. Pirates are nation less bands of raiders who will kill and plunder anything that comes across their paths, who would be better suited to handle them than Blackwater? Another nation less band of men who like to shoot things. Neither are protected by any international treaty or the U.N., so why not let them dispose of each other?

Congress vs. The Big 3

The big 3 US automobile manufacturers have gone in front of a congressional panel to ask for a 25 billion dollar bailout. Rather than ask the "Big 3" what their current situations are fiscally, or what they would do with the money if they were given it, Congress spent most of the time ripping into the CEOs for flying in on private jets. Don't get me wrong, I agree many of these guys are overpaid, but Congress should not spend the focus of their questioning time on the travel standards of CEOs. Asking them; if they now plan to sell their aircrafts, if they plan to fly commercial. Shouldn't they be discussing the potential bailout? Remember we need to keep some perspective this is a 25 billion dollar bailout, and Congress is spending most of their time asking about if they plan to sell their corporate jets, jets that costs less than 1% of of what these corporations need to stay a float. This is ridiculous, the economy is facing a depression, the auto industry is about to collapse putting thousands of people out of work, almost a trillion dollars of public money has been given away (which we may never see again quite possible), and Congress is asking about G5s. Really? Then people wonder how we got into this mess.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Surprise, Surprise, Dick Cheney Indicted

This just in, America's most cuddly Vice President has been indicted in Texas over prison abuse, really prison abuse? Not shooting a guy in the face or using the U.S. military to pursue personal profit? At least its a starting point for something. As of right now the details are not that clear on what the specifics are since the indictment has yet been signed by a judge. At least something is being done to call the guy out, lets just hope this is merely the first step in a marathon of court actions, I should probably refer to this here on out as the white-O.J. trial.

Holder Nominated as Attorney General

Eric Holder served on Senator Obama's vice presidential selection team that eventually picked Joe Biden. Holder hails from Brooklyn N.Y., he has graduated from Columbia Law School and has worked for the NAACP. President-elect Obama has now nominated him for the position of Attorney General of the United States. Holder previously held the position in-temp under the first term of President George W. Bush while the Senate was confirming John Ashcroft but was replace just two weeks after Bush's inauguration. Prior to that he served four years under President Clinton as the United States Deputy Attorney General. If confirmed, Holder would become the first confirmed black Attorney General.

G.W. Bush: Great Quotes From A Simple Man

I realized that when President Obama takes the oath of office a part of me is going to miss George W. Bush, not for his political ideology or his strong leadership but rather, for his endless wit. Thus, I present Great Quotes from a Simple Man:

"A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it."

You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.”

“The thing that's wrong with the French is that they don't have a word for entrepreneur”

"There's no question about it. Wall Street got drunk -- that's one of the reasons I asked you to turn off the TV cameras -- it got drunk and now it's got a hangover. The question is how long will it sober up and not try to do all these fancy financial instruments."

“It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it.”

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."

“Most imports are from outside of the country”

"I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office."

“In my sentences I go where no man has gone before.”

“I have a different vision of leadership. A leadership is someone who brings people together.”

I'm really going to miss him.

Poltical Cartoons on Detroit Bailout

Vote Bauer and Bourne 2012!

I'm not your typical conservative, that because I'm not a conservative, but that doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on the future of the Republican Party. In the last few weeks since Barack "the terrorist" Hussein Obama beat Cranky Pants Johnny Mac in the general election, there seems to be a real Bourne Identity Syndrome in the Republican Party. Of course like anyone else suffering from BIS there is a sense of paranoia and an instinctive appeal in grabbing the closest weapon and using it on anyone who you think could explain what has happened to you. Remember this is the party of "shoot first ask questions later... hell, f@#$ the questions just keep shooting."

...and you thought I was joking. So back on track what does the Republican Party need to do to reestablish itself, simple, it needs to realize that the Jack Bauer mentality does not work.

Obama, the Savior of Hip-Hop?

Over the last few months since the the Democratic National Convention there seems to have been an outbreak in the hip-hop community. A new sense of hope and purpose has come to one of Americans most popular music genre. This genre of course is rap, a type of music that is usually filled with lyrics of materialism and violence. However, since Senator Obama's acceptance speech in Denver there has been a growing movement behind him in the hip-hop community, and since his general election win it has only gotten stronger. Every rapper from Jay-Z, Kanye West, Young Jeezy, and NAS seems to be releasing songs and albums in support of Obama.
Senator Obama's victories seems to be transforming hip-hop to a more socially conscious genre of music that is looking towards the future with optimism. The last time I have seen hip-hop like this was before Tupac's death. A sense of purpose seems to has re-instilled.

Obama Isn't Leaving The Cabinet Bare

After Senator Obama choose Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff there seems to be a growing interest on who he picks next, especially in regards to Secretary of State? This is where Obama's former nominee opponent Hillary Clinton is said to be in the front running. Will it be the Secretary of Defense? Another position where there seems to be a concise favorite in Robert Gates. Since so many are throwing their two cents in on who would be good for these jobs I figure I might as well put mine in too. On the notion of Secretary of State I think Hillary Clinton would be a great choice. During and after the Clinton Presidency Hilary has been representing the nation aboard on diplomatic and humanitarian missions. This appointment would only solidify her position as a loud representative voice of the United States when abroad. She is already well known and respected by many of the world's nations and media, and she is clearly the easiest and best choice to make for the position. Regarding the Secretary of Defense I think Gates would be a poor choice. Many argue that he brings as sense of continuity to the new administration but I argue otherwise. I believe he represents the failures of the Bush administration regarding both Iraq and Afghanistan. I know he has not held the position that long, which is another reason why I believe continuity is not a legitimate argument for his reinstatement under the Obama administration, but given the time he has had not much has changed. My personal choice would retired General Wesley Clark. Many would remember him as a democratic presidential nominee from the 2004 primaries. For those not familiar with Clark he is a Westpoint graduate, has served in both the Vietnam and Kosovo Wars, and was the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. Clark would bring experience, a new sense of accountability, and quite possible a new strategy to the wars in which we are currently engaged.